Segregate Account

Milliva Ltd offers its clients a unique service - opening segregated accounts protects your capital from the risks of forceful circumstances



The client requests that Milliva LTD Trading Platform open a segregated account for him with a balance of $100,000. When the account is opened, the client requests segregated account service and delivered the necessary paperwork. The customer must meet two requirements after the business confirms the service to receive $100,000 to the account 70% of the transfer, or $70,000, will be replenished.

Should send bank statements attesting to the $100,000 in their bank account.

The client obtains a trading account with $100,000 on it as soon as all the requirements are met and 30% of this amount is kept in a personal bank account, protecting it from any dangers associated with the company's operations due to force majeure.

The segregated account mechanism used by the Milliva LTD Forex Trading platform offers its clients complete protection. It ensures their money is as safe as it would be in a bank account.

The minimum sum of deposits for a segregated account is $50,000.